Killingly Conservation Commission
Committed to preserving & protecting the natural resources and open spaces of Killingly, CT
The Conservation Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm. There are five (5) regular members and two (2) alternates on the Commission, all of whom are appointed by the Town Council. Interested community members are always welcome.
About The Commission
The Killingly Conservation Commission's (KCC) purpose is to promote the development, conservation, supervision, and regulation of natural resources within the Town of Killingly and other such purposes as set forth by the Connecticut State Statutes. (CGS 7-131a)
Duties of the KCC include keeping an index of all open areas, publicly and privately owned, including open marshlands, swamps, and other wetlands for the purpose of obtaining information on the proper use of such areas. The Commission also conducts research into the utilization of land areas in Town. The KCC acts in an advisory capacity to the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission on use of open areas. Commission members are: Donna Bronwell, Jean Mountford, Claudette Rogers, Bob Mullen, Bob Lofquist, and Mike Montville.